3 tips for easy breezy consultations

Ever been super confident on a consultation? Like feeling 90% sure that you’re about to book a new good-fit client?

 And then at the end of the call, they ask…

So what’s your fee?” followed by “Oh no that’s too much for me!

Or they say…

“Okay and what insurance do you take?”

Your stomach drops because you don’t take insurance or they gasp at your fee.

And you get the vibe that they don’t want to move forward. Even after all of your connection!

You think…

“Not Again!!”

“How did they not see this on my website?”

“How did they miss my fee on the directory? It’s right THERE!”

I remember being so annoyed and let down when this would happen - especially when I really needed clients!

BUT today, I can honestly say that I can’t remember the last time I had this experience in a consultation.

Wanna know how? Keep reading…

1.I don’t do impromptu phone consultations.

On my voicemail, I instruct people to email me to schedule a consultation. This means I don’t have to interrupt my day by playing phone tag or add a reminder to my “to-do” list.

Remember that YOU can let people know the best or ONLY way to reach you - it’s YOUR business.

2. Using Email Templates are my best friend!  

When I get an email inquiry, I respond with an email template for all inquiries. It essentially provides answers to many common questions and highlights common deal breakers for clients. This helps to ensure that clients know your fees and other important information (telehealth or in-person or hybrid availability, etc.) before booking a consultation. (Grab my 4 Must-Have email templates for private practice).

3. Repeat it if you mean it.  

When clients go to book a consultation via my scheduling platform - they are again reminded about the important information (fees/insurance)  RIGHT before they confirm.

I literally require them to “check a box” stating that they understand this information before they can officially book their consultation.

I’ve seen my consultation-to-conversion rate go up using these tips.

Not only am I saving time but so is the client.

And we all know time is money honey.

Since implementing these steps, I can really utilize the consultation to connect and understand the potential client’s pain points and explore if we are a fit. 

Try these tips out (or any combination of them) and let me know how it impacts your day-to-day!

You’ll go from internally screaming “Not Again!” to “Would you like to start next week?”

If you’re interested in what types of email templates could save you time (and money) in your business, check out my FREE 4 Must-Have email templates for private practice.


Flexibility: your free time isn’t up for grabs