Let’s Build Your Dream Practice

without sacrificing your sanity, fulfillment, or financial security


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If you are a therapist feeling stuck, I get it!

Trust Me

I used to identify as a closet wreck therapist. I regularly skimped out on my own self-care like a toddler throwing their vegetables on the floor.

I was exhausted and terrified to leave the “security” of a full-time job that undervalued me even though I was unfulfilled, anxious, and broker than broke.

Just TWO years later, I was seeing my DREAM clients and making 5 figures a month and have ample free time to..do whatever I want.

Things have changed dramatically and they changed quickly.

The same can happen for you.

Are you ready to jumpstart the practice of your dreams, help your ideal clients, make more money, and feel fulfilled without sacrificing your well-being?

Well come on in…the water’s fine.

4 Must-have email templates—————>

Grab these 4 FREE Email Templates that every therapist in private practice should have. Save time AND money!

Need some advice?


Busy & On the brink of Burnout?

Been there, Done that.

You can be done too! If you dream of being your own boss without the burn out while making bank, let’s make it a reality!
