Do You Want to be Rich?

Do you want to be rich?

If so, how does it feel to declare that?

What comes to mind when you think of being rich?

I used to daydream about being rich solely in dollar signs. I wrote affirmations about having more than enough in my bank account. I fantasized about not having to look at the prices on the menu. I wanted to take time off AND be able to enjoy it without obsessing over how much I was spending. 

I wanted it SO bad…but without the hustle. Without the “productivity” mentality. It felt like I had to choose between rest or success. Little did I know…

If ONLY I’d known the magnitude of being “rich” beyond what money could buy me. Beyond the increased financial security. My definition of “rich” continues to evolve.

I’m rich in the options I allow myself.

I’m rich in choosing. I.e. “I GET to write this newsletter” vs. “I HAVE to write this newsletter”

I’m richer in believing in myself

I’m rich energetically.

I’m richer in dancing to the beat of my own drum (even if it looks different from the majority)

I’m creatively rich.

I’m rich in assertiveness.

My friendships have byfar become richer (b/c I have the capacity to be present)

My clinical work is richer.

And more recently, I’ve become rich in REST.


And honestly a lot of these riches are a direct result of implementing clear & kind boundaries.

What kind of “rich” do you want to experience in your day-to-day life? In your business?

Whatever is in YOUR desired recipe of richness…you CAN create it.

If you’re ready to ditch the days of Rise n’ Grind (while making MORE money), I’ve got something for ya!

I want to invite you to a game-changing (and FREE) series that I’m so proud to be a part of:

The Rest & Success Code.

You can think of it as a virtual retreat with a group of well-rested and profitable therapist entrepreneurs who want you to succeed without burnout. This line-up is seriously $ick! Check it out here!

In my interview, I dive deep into 5 TIPS for boosting boundaries in your business that work for YOU. You’ll walk away with an action plan to create more profit, more joy, and most importantly, more rest in your life and business.

Are you in?  

✨ Join us here:


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